Excellent dish for lovers of enveloping and velvety aromas, easy to prepare, always to amaze your better half. To be accompanied with an excellent white wine and a romantic evenin
- Tagliatelle (400 gr)
- Shrimp (300 gr)
- Courgettes (2)
-Spring onion (1)
-Garlic (1 clove)
-Wine (Half glass)
-Olive oil
-Pepper as needed
- Chilli pepper (optional)
-Parsley (optional)
- In a pan put the oil, garlic, cut spring onion and sliced courgettes.
- Cook for 10 minutes on low heat.
- In another pan we put a drizzle of oil and shrimp.
- After a few minutes, when they start to brown we pour the wine and let it evaporate (cooking for 2 minutes)
- Pour the shrimp with their cream into the pan with the zucchini.
- Add salt, pepper, chilli pepper and parsley.
In the meantime, boil a pot of qcua where you will cook the tagliatelle.
- Add the pasta to the pan with the shrimp and mix.
If necessary you can add a little cooking water to create a better cream. You can also add some grated Parmesan to mix everything.