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The Chef's Advice post is officially out for this month, always ready to help you improve your cooking skills.

Mint is used to flavor dishes such as salads and for the preparation of sweets, drinks and liqueurs. Mint can be used both dried and fresh.

It is also excellent for intensifying the flavors of vegetables, legumes and cereals. With the dried leaves mixed with lemon juice or peel, you can also prepare an aromatic summer drink. It is also a very easy type of plant to cultivate and care for, we recommend having at least one seedling, in case of need.

Differences between infusion and herbal tea:

The infusion is a much lighter herbal tea; the boiling water is poured over the vegetable compound consisting only of flowers and leaves which give a much more delicate aroma.

Everything is left to rest in infusion for 5-10 minutes and then filtered.

In the herbal tea, on the other hand, several parts of the plant are used (roots, branches, bark, flowers, seeds, etc.), while in the infusion only leaves and flowers of the same vegetable.

It is a panacea recommended for its digestive and tonic properties. It can relax the intestine muscles to aid digestion. A good remedy also to counteract sore throats by blocking the formation of microbes. However, avoid consuming it during the evening hours: its stimulating effect could cause insomnia.

Bon Appétit!

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