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Updated: Apr 28, 2020

Ginger, Turmeric and Lemons.. The power trio of this month! The most HYPED products of the quarantine! Here is a way to mix it a little tastier

Ingredients: - Chicken breast (3 slices) - Lemon juice (1 cup) - Onion (1) - Clove garlic (1) - Ginger powder (1 tbsp) - Turmeric powder (1 tbsp) - Olive oil (to taste) - Parsley (1 bunch) - Potato starch (to taste)

Preparation (25 minutes): - Cut the chicken slices into strips and marinate them in lemon juice for about 10 minutes. - After 10 minutes, put the oil in a non-stick pan and brown it with onion, garlic and a spoonful of ginger for about 3 minutes. - Add the chicken that. - Put the turmeric in the lemon juice you used for the marinade. - Pour the lemon juice with the turmeric into the pan where the chicken is present and cook over high heat, stirring often. - Add a sprinkling of potato starch to thicken the lemon juice with the turmeric, salt and add the chopped parsley (if you like).

Bon appétit!

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