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This is the most classic and original recipe of Italian bruschetta. They can be made with practically any ingredient and seasoning, but sometimes simplicity and taste go hand in hand.

Original italian bruschetta in a white plate
Bruschetta Heart

Ingredients: - Sliced ​​bread - Ripe tomatoes - Garlic - Olive oil - Salt - Oregano (optional)

// The quantity of ingredients depends on the number of bruschetta you want to prepare


- Place the slices of bread in a non-stick pan and toast them. - Still hot, rub them with a clove of garlic. In the meantime, wash the tomatoes. - In a separate bowl, cut the tomatoes into cubes and add oil, oregano and mix. (Let it rest for a few minutes) - Using a spoon, put the tomatoes on the bread. - Finally add the salt on the bruschetta.

Advice: You can give any shape to the slice of bread, however, to give it the shape of a heart, cut the slices, before toasting them, in half with a diagonal cut and turn a slice upside down.

Bon Appétit!

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